If you are an artist in need of input on how to advance as an art professional, give us a call and set up an appointment to meet with one of our expert artist career consultants. This is your opportunity to benefit from our years of experience in building artists’ careers and apply our wealth of knowledge to your professional goals. Contact us via e-mail for information on the prerequisites for this service.
We welcome submissions and encourage repeat submissions every several years. Artists are welcome to present a variety of work (limit up to 15 images) via email to OR by submitting a package for review via mail. Either way, kindly include your biography, current retail price list, press features, books and any other information you feel is pertinent. If submitting via mail and you wish your items to be returned to you, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. IF EMAILING WORKS, PLEASE LIMIT FILE SIZES. This is your chance to impress, so knock yourself out!

Chris Hopkins 18" x 24" Oil on Canvas 10810

Ljubomir Popadic 8" x 11" Oil on Canvas 10497